Thursday, August 6, 2009

Chapters of the Bencao gangmu

Chapters of the Bencao gangmu-Traditional Chinese Medicine
1.-2.序例 Xuli Preface
3.-4.百病主治藥 Baibing Zhuzhi Yao 1-2 Various diseases and how to treat them with materia medica
5.水:天水、地水 Shui: tianshui, dishui Water: precipitation and phreatic water
6.火 Huo Treatment by fire
7.土 Tu Earths8.金 Jin Metals
8.-11.石:玉、石、鹵 Shi 1-5: yu, shi, lu Stones: Yade and Gems, Stones, Salt
12.-21.草:山草、芳草、隰草、毒草、蔓草、水草、石草、苔草、雜草 Cao 1-11: shancao, fangcao, xicao, ducao, mancao, shuicao, shicao, taicao, zacao Herbs: mountain herbs, fragrant herbs, marshland herbs, poisoneous herbs, creeping herbs, water herbs, stone herbs, moss, various herbs
22.-25.穀:麻、麥、稻、稷、粟、造釀 Gu 1-4: ma, mai, dao, ji, su, shu, zaoniang Field crops: hemp, grain, rice, millet, sorghum, yeast
26.-28.菜:葷辛、柔滑、蓏、水菜、芝栭 Cai 1-5: hunxin, rouhua, luo, shuicai, zhier Vegetable dishes: strong smelling spices, soft vegetables, melons, water vegetables, sesame and nuts29.-33.果:五果、山果、夷果、味蓏、水果 Guo 1-6: wuguo, shanguo, yiguo, wei, luo, shuiguoFruits: five fruits et al. (plum, apricot, prune, peach, chestnut, date), mountain fruits, foreign fruits, tasty fruits, melons, watery fruits
34.-37.木:香木、喬木、灌木、寓木、苞木、雜木 Mu 1-6: xiangmu, qiaomu, guanmu, yumu, baomu, zamuTrees: odorous trees, large trees, shrubs, annual shrubs, bamboo, various trees
38.服器:服帛、器物 Fuqi 1-2: fubo, qiwu Textiles and various objects
39-42.蟲:卵生、化生、濕生 Chong 1-4: luansheng, huasheng, shisheng Worms and insects: oviparous, viviparous, aquatic
43.-44.鱗:龍、蛇、魚、無鱗魚Lin 1-4: long, she, yu, wulinyu Scaly animals: dragons, snakes, fishes, non-scaly fishes
45.-46.介:龜、虌、蚌、蛤Jie 1-2: gui, bie, bang, ge Reptiles and shells: tortoises, turtles, oysters, clams
47.-49.禽:原禽、林禽、山禽 Qin 1-4: yuanqin, linqin, shanqin Birds: birds living in the plains, the wood, and the mountains
50.-51.獸:畜、獸、鼠、寓、怪 Shou 1-4: chu, shou, shu, yu, guai Beasts: cattle, wild beasts, rats, monkeys, fabulous beasts
52.人 Ren The human body, secretions, etc.

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